Medicaid Plans

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Blue Cross Complete of Michigan and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan work together to provide health care to members when they need it.

picture of patient and doctor talking

Medicaid coverage through Blue Cross Complete of Michigan

Blue Cross Complete is a managed care health plan contracted by the State of Michigan to provide health care benefits in 32 Michigan counties.

Visit MiBridges to see if you qualify and to fill out an application.

Medicaid is a government-funded program that helps qualified, low-income Michigan residents get the health care that they need. This includes:

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Comprehensive benefits and services

Blue Cross Complete offers medical, dental, vision and hearing benefits. Members are referred to community organizations to provide services to help meet their basic needs. These services include food, housing, utilities, child care, transportation to appointments and more. See if your county is in our service area. 


Visit Find a Doctor and Medicaid Basics to learn more.

Dental Option

Healthy Kids Dental

With Medicaid, you have a choice when it comes to your child’s dental needs. If your child is under 21 and has Medicaid, they qualify for a Healthy Kids Dental plan through Blue Cross. Learn More

picture of dentist examingin child's teeth