What types of specialists work with the Nurse Care Manager?

For the Core program, your employees with complex and chronic health care conditions will receive personalized support from a team of specialists that take a holistic approach to meeting and anticipating their needs.

Led by the Nurse Care Manager, the team of specialists consists of multidisciplinary resources that work together to provide a holistic system of support to your employees. These resources include:

  • Physician Consultant – Provides medical insight on complex cases when a physician’s expertise is required.
  • Behavioral Health Specialist – Coordinates with Nurse Care Manager to provide behavioral care and support to members with behavioral health conditions.
  • Pharmacist – Coordinates with Nurse Care Manager to provide prescription advice, education, reconciliation and more.
  • Social Worker – Assists Nurse Care Manager to coordinate with community resources that address your employees’ social determinants of health.
  • Dietitian – Assists Nurse Care Manager to provide targeted dietary and nutritional education and coaching.
  • Non-clinical Support – Takes on non-clinical care coordination tasks (such as coordinating meal deliveries) to ensure your employees’ non-clinical needs are met.
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To learn more about the Coordinated Care portfolio and how it could benefit your company and employees, contact your Blue Cross representative today.