A message from Dr. Amy McKenzie, associate chief medical officer
A key component to the success of these models is our full-risk Medicare Advantage arrangements with health care providers. Currently, about 650 primary care providers in Michigan are operating under MA full-risk contracts. These providers share accountability for both patient outcomes and the cost of their patients’ care, as well as sharing in the savings associated with improved outcomes. Our full-risk models are an evolution of a strategy that began in 2005 with our Physician Group Incentive Program, continued with the launch of shared-risk contracts through Blueprint for Affordability in 2020 (which focused on limited-risk commercial and MA agreements) and continues to expand today as we embark on an even wider range of value-based care initiatives. These arrangements also align with the goal of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure that all Medicare beneficiaries are in a value-based care relationship by 2030. We salute these health care providers for the innovative work they’re doing. They’re finding new ways to interact with patients to improve patient outcomes — going far beyond outdated fee-for-service models. The health care costs of seniors, particularly those with chronic conditions, are typically much higher than the costs associated with the younger population. Older adults are more vulnerable, often fall through the cracks of the health care system and may have needs that go beyond what a typical, busy primary care practice can provide. While primary care doctors are the quarterbacks who lead and direct patient care, we recognized that primary care could use additional support to help them care for their most vulnerable patients — and that we needed to do a better job of increasing access to primary care for seniors in underserved areas. To that end, we’ve moved into the MA full-risk space in the following ways:
Making a difference for our members I’m happy to report that we’ve already heard numerous stories of how our full-risk provider contracts and our relationships with enablement organizations are making a difference for our members. In some cases, primary care clinics are helping to provide transportation, addressing a significant challenge for some members. Here are a few brief examples of how our recent efforts are making a difference in the lives of our members:
These are just a few examples of how our efforts have improved care quality and outcomes, specifically in our senior populations. We’re basically looking at these full-risk arrangements to deliver necessary screenings and interventions that seniors need so they get the right care in the right place at the right time. Our relationships with our provider network, with the support of enablement organizations, along with Oak Street, Dedicated and Landmark, are helping to improve member satisfaction and health outcomes, while moving us forward on the path toward a lower overall cost of care. For more information about how you can participate in full-risk arrangements or learn more about them, talk with your physician organization. Or you can contact my colleague, Sue Burns, senior director, Provider Contracting & Network Operations, at sburns@bcbsm.com. |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. |