Did you know Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has a new dental consultant? Please join us in welcoming Dr. Kristi Thomas as our newest dental consultant. Dr. Thomas brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in dental practice, dental policy, community health and oral/overall health connections. Her background includes leadership positions in dental practice and community health organizations, including the Michigan Board of Dentistry (under Governor Gretchen Whitmer) and the University of Michigan School of Dentistry Dental Center.
Get to know Dr. Thomas by clicking here to watch her answer a fun round of 10 questions.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) also known as direct deposit, is the fastest, easiest and safest way to receive your claim payments. After a claim is successfully submitted, funds will be deposited within 3 business days. Your remittance will be available online in the Provider Web Portal and no longer mailed to you.
From the main menu, select administration → Electronic Funds Transfer. Fill out the form, upload a copy of a voided check with your banking information and submit.
You will receive a confirmation notification with a Request Number after successfully completing the form. Please allow up to five business days for processing.
Thank you and stay tuned for the next Dental Care Newsletter!
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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network contract with the federal government and are a nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.