Family Building: Pre-pregnancy to Pediatrics

Starting or growing a family is a big decision. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan wants you to know that you’re never alone.

Woman and girl looking at ultrasound image.
Two men welcome their new baby

Supporting your journey

The family-building journey is different for everyone. We’re here to make yours easier.

Get the answers you need by logging in to your online member account and choosing My Coverage to better understand what your health plan covers. Or select Find Care to find providers, specialists and facilities in your area.

Recommended resources

A couple looks at their pregnancy test together

Pregnant and need a health plan?

Health insurance is a critical component of pregnancy and childbirth. See if you qualify.

Find out more
A doctor listens to a mother's pregnant belly

Why routine checkups are a must

Complications can arise in any pregnancy. Read about this 31-year-old mother’s experience.

Read the article
A full bottle of breast milk and a breast pump

Breast pump insurance coverage

Breast pumps are considered durable medical equipment or DME. Learn how to get yours.

Go to the article

A doctor talks to a young couple

Are you at risk?

People in predominantly minority communities have a higher risk of severe maternal morbidity.

Find out about the risks
Leave the website to visit the count the kicks page and download the app.

Count the Kicks®

In the later stages of pregnancy, movement is an important sign of your child's well-being. Download the app to get started.

Get the app
A woman with a mask holds a cup

Hear Herᵀᴹ

Nearly 700 expectant parents die each year due to pregnancy-related complications. Share your concerns and be heard.

Learn about pregnancy complications

Understand your health plan

Speak with your provider or log in to your online account to learn what your health plan covers. If you don’t have a provider, choose Find Care from your home page.

Log In

The information contained on this webpage is for educational purposes only. Nothing on this webpage is intended to be, nor should be used as or relied upon as, professional medical advice. Nothing contained on this webpage is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. For medical advice, or to receive medical diagnosis or treatment, consult with your health care provider.