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Find specific information about your plan or you can find a pharmacy that accepts your plan.
Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO and BCN AdvantageSM HMO have standards for timeliness of access to primary care and behavioral health services. Wait times must meet or exceed the minimum standards as follows:
Read our provider pharmacy directory introductions to learn more about our PPO network.
Read our provider directory introductions to learn more about how our HMO and HMO-POS networks work.
The drugs included in our formularies are FDA approved. We ensure through research that they are safe, effective and lower in cost.
Blue Cross Well-BeingSM offers tools and resources that can help to improve and maintain your health.
Important information about Medicare supplement plans
This is a solicitation of insurance. We may contact you about buying insurance. Blue Cross Medicare SupplementSM plans aren't connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.