Want to jump to a specific contact group?
Providing technical assistance for agent portal login and tools.
Agent Portal
Phone: 1-877-258-3932
Supporting login help and general questions for our secured agent portal Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
eMCS | Blue Care Network
Phone: 1-800-970-6684
Supporting group inquiries Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Phone: 1-866-676-4858
Supporting online navigation and enrollment processing assistance Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Rate Ease
Email: rateease@bcbsm.com
Supporting small group underwriting Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET
Providing support for agent functions and commissions.
Contracting Team
Email: agentcontracts@bcbsm.com
Supporting onboarding, letters of record, status processing, payable and demographic changes.
Group Specialty Benefits
Email: GSB_Commissions@groupspecialtybenefits.com
Phone: 1-888-262-0930
Supporting agent services, including commissions, related to group specialty benefits (life, disability, critical illness and accident insurance) offered through Dearborn Life Insurance Company in cooperation with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
Inquiry Unit
Email: AgentAdminGroupDASTInquiry@bcbsm.com
Supporting agent commissions.
Providing education, advocacy and process support to agent partners.
Agent Relations
Email: bcbsmagentrelations@bcbsm.com
Providing new customer quotes and information to group agents and brokers.
Southeast MI Business Team
Contact: Danielle Taylor
Phone: 313-448-7858
Email: dtaylor3@bcbsm.com
West MI Business Team
Contact: Carrie Caverly
Phone: 616-389-2231
Email: ccaverly@bcbsm.com
Auto National and Key Accounts
Contact: Keith Carter
Phone: 313-448-7168
Email: kcarter@bcbsm.com
Small Group Sales
Phone number: 1-855-229-8624
Email: smallgroupsales@bcbsm.com
Providing support for individual agent activities excluding commissions.
Individual Business Unit
Email: RSMUFSC@bcbsm.com
BCBSM Under 65 Customer Service:
BCN Under 65 Customer Service:
BCBSM Over 65 Customer Service:
BCN Over 65 Customer Service:
Mailing Address:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Mail Code 1402
600 East Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226
Providing fraud reporting and information on compliance.
Anti-Fraud Hotline
Phone: 1-800-482-3787
HIPAA Compliance
Phone: 313-225-9000
Providing information and assistance for new agent training and onboarding.
Sales and Development
Email: saleslearninganddevelopment@bcbsm.com