Virtual Muscle and Joint Health Program

This Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network solution offers your employees easy access to virtual exercise therapy. It's available to self-funded groups with 151 employees or more.

Why it matters

  1. Muscle and joint care makes up $600 billion of the U.S. economy.
  2. Chronic muscle and joint pain often creates feelings of depression and anxiety.
  3. Employees with muscle and joint pain miss an average of over eight days of work per year.

How it works

We've partnered with Hinge Health to offer personalized virtual exercise therapy.

To get started, your employees, and their dependents over 18, can simply download the Hinge Health app onto their smartphone or tablet and complete an application. They'll get a customized program, a care kit and a dedicated team to help them achieve their goals.

The care team designs a program so your employees can complete a session in 15 minutes or less from anywhere in the U.S.

Whether your employee has a twinge in their back or wants some preventive stretching ideas, they can do it all from the comfort of their home.

How your business can benefit

Muscle and joint claims have doubled in the U.S. in the last decade, and they take up a significant part of employer health care spending.

This type of pain is extremely common, affecting one in two Americans in a given year. In the past year, people who experienced muscle or joint pain missed an average of over eight days of work. That number increases to 13 days of missed work for employees who experienced depression or anxiety related to their injury.

When you offer virtual exercise therapy, you can help break down some of those barriers.

In turn, this can lead to a better outcome for your employees and lower health care costs for your business.

Offering this program can also foster a healthier, more productive work environment. In addition, it can help meet your employees' diverse set of needs, helping to stay competitive. 


Related resources

A man kneels on a yoga mat and looks at his phone.
Virtual Muscle and Joint Health employer toolkit

Give your employees the information they need to join the new program.

Download materials
A woman looks at her tablet.
Expanding Solutions with New, Virtual Program

With this program, members can meet their goals virtually.

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A form to apply for a webinar.
Master Class: Pain to Productivity

Watch the webinar to learn how MSK conditions and behavioral health are intertwined.

Watch the webinar

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