Extended Stays

As an HMO (Blue Care Network) or PPO (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) plan member, the BlueCard® program provides you health care while you are temporarily living outside of Michigan.

BlueCard is a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association program that gives you access while living temporarily within the United States and outside of Michigan to health care providers who accept Blue plans.

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core program provides access to a network of over 900 hospitals and more than 130 countries for PPO plan members who are living abroad temporarily.

To find a BlueCard participating doctor:

Your coverage includes routine, urgent and follow-up care while on extended stays outside of Michigan. Refer to your Certificate of Coverage and riders or call customer service to find out about limitations to travel coverage. 

In the event of an emergency:

  • If you are in the United States, go to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911. In most cases, you should not have to complete claim forms or pay up front for health care expenses, except for your usual out-of-pocket expenses like copays.
  • If you are outside of the United States, you have access to Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core through your Blue Cross insurance. If you have to pay for medical services while out of the country, they have a claim form you can use to ask for reimbursement.

Follow these instructions to log in and get the International Claim Form:

  1. Enter the first three letters from your subscriber ID card, also known as enrollee ID card.
  2. Select Go.
  3. Then select Claim Forms.
  4. Choose the appropriate international claim form for HMO (PDF) or PPO (PDF) reimbursement.

Along with your reimbursement form, be sure to include:

  • An itemized bill 
  • Original proof of payment 
  • The treatment record or emergency report 
  • The name and dosage of any prescription drug as well as the original prescription receipt 

HMO members, send the completed form and all supporting materials to:

Blue Care Network
P.O. Box 68767
Grand Rapids, MI 49516-8767


PPO members, send the completed form and all supporting materials to:

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Member Reimbursement – Mail Code: 0010
600 E. Lafayette Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48226

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Related forms and documents

HMO Member Reimbursement Form (PDF)
PPO Member Reimbursement Form (PDF)

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