For even more details about this plan, see the Certificate of Coverage (PDF). Certificates are legal documents that describe the benefits of a health insurance plan. Your plan might have different benefits and limitations than those listed in this document.
For even more details about this plan, see the Certificate of Coverage (PDF). Certificates are legal documents that describe the benefits of a health insurance plan. Your plan might have different benefits and limitations than those listed in this document.
Open enrollment is closed but you can get or change coverage for the remainder of 2025 if you've had one of these qualifying life events.
To give you an accurate price, we'll need some information. Find a plan to get a quote.
Individual: $3,800
Family: $7,600
Individual: $7,600
Family: $15,200
You pay 20% after deductible for most services.
You pay 50% after deductible for bariatric, temporomandibular joint, infertility, prosthetic and orthotic, and durable medical equipment services.
You pay 40% after deductible for most services.
You pay 70% after deductible for bariatric, temporomandibular joint, infertility, prosthetic and orthotic, and durable medical equipment services.
Individual: $9,000
Family: $18,000
Individual: $18,000
Family: $36,000
This plan doesn't include dental coverage. View our Dental plans.
This plan only includes vision coverage for children. View our Vision plans.
You pay $0.
You pay 40% after deductible.
Primary care: You pay $30 after deductible including virtual and retail health visits and medical evaluations at an affiliated immunization pharmacy.
Specialist: You pay $50 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $0 for 24/7 medical virtual visits through selected vendor app.
You pay $30 after deductible for mental health virtual visits through selected vendor app.
You pay $30 after deductible for virtual primary care visits through selected vendor app nationwide.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $75.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
Using an in-network pharmacy will help keep your costs as low as possible.
You can get 30- or 90-day prescriptions from retail or mail-order pharmacies. You can get 60-day prescriptions from mail-order pharmacies only. Quantity limits per fill may apply for 30-day retail, 90-day retail and 90-day mail order. Opioid-containing medications are limited to no more than a 30-day supply per fill and first fills of select opioid containing medications will be limited to a 5-day supply. Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions.
Any coupon, rebate or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumer's deductible, cost sharing or out-of-pocket maximum.
When you use an out-of-network pharmacy, you pay the full cost of the prescription up front. After you meet your deductible and pay the copay, we'll reimburse 80 percent of the Blue Cross-approved amount for that drug. You pay the difference between the Blue Cross-approved amount and what the pharmacy charges.
Out-of-network drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Mail order is not available.
What you pay for your medication depends on whether your plan covers the drug and the type of drug. Certain drugs may need prior authorization. Look on this list to find a drug (PDF).
30-day supply: You pay $15 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay $30 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay $45 after deductible
Commonly prescribed, generic versions of brand-name medications available for the lowest copay.
Preferred Brand
30-day supply:You pay up to $100 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay up to $200 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay up to $300 after deductible.
Brand-name drugs not yet available as a generic.
Nonpreferred Brand
30-day supply: You pay up to $150 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay up to $300 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay up to $450 after deductible.
Brand-name drugs that have generic or preferred brand alternatives.
Preferred Specialty
You pay 40% after deductible.
Specialty drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Some specialty drugs are limited to a 15-day supply.
Generic and brand-name drugs used to treat complex health conditions. They usually need special handling and approval. You'll need to use Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy to fill these types of prescriptions.
Nonpreferred Specialty
You pay 45% after deductible.
Specialty drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Some specialty drugs are limited to a 15-day supply.
Because there are less expensive alternatives available for the Nonpreferred Speciality drugs, you'll pay more for them at the pharmacy. You'll need to use Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy to fill these types of prescriptions.
To give you an accurate price, we'll need some information. Find a plan to get a quote.
Individual: $3,800
Family: $7,600
Individual: $7,600
Family: $15,200
You pay 20% after deductible for most services.
You pay 50% after deductible for bariatric, temporomandibular joint, infertility, prosthetic and orthotic, and durable medical equipment services.
You pay 40% after deductible for most services.
You pay 70% after deductible for bariatric, temporomandibular joint, infertility, prosthetic and orthotic, and durable medical equipment services.
Individual: $9,000
Family: $18,000
Individual: $18,000
Family: $36,000
This plan doesn't include dental coverage. View our Dental plans.
This plan only includes vision coverage for children. View our Vision plans.
You pay $0.
You pay 40% after deductible.
Primary care: You pay $30 after deductible including virtual and retail health visits and medical evaluations at an affiliated immunization pharmacy.
Specialist: You pay $50 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $0 for 24/7 medical virtual visits through selected vendor app.
You pay $30 after deductible for mental health virtual visits through selected vendor app.
You pay $30 after deductible for virtual primary care visits through selected vendor app nationwide.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $75.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
You pay 20% after deductible.
You pay $30 after deductible.
You pay 40% after deductible.
Using an in-network pharmacy will help keep your costs as low as possible.
You can get 30- or 90-day prescriptions from retail or mail-order pharmacies. You can get 60-day prescriptions from mail-order pharmacies only. Quantity limits per fill may apply for 30-day retail, 90-day retail and 90-day mail order. Opioid-containing medications are limited to no more than a 30-day supply per fill and first fills of select opioid containing medications will be limited to a 5-day supply. Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions.
Any coupon, rebate or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumer's deductible, cost sharing or out-of-pocket maximum.
When you use an out-of-network pharmacy, you pay the full cost of the prescription up front. After you meet your deductible and pay the copay, we'll reimburse 80 percent of the Blue Cross-approved amount for that drug. You pay the difference between the Blue Cross-approved amount and what the pharmacy charges.
Out-of-network drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Mail order is not available.
What you pay for your medication depends on whether your plan covers the drug and the type of drug. Certain drugs may need prior authorization. Look on this list to find a drug (PDF).
30-day supply: You pay $15 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay $30 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay $45 after deductible
Commonly prescribed, generic versions of brand-name medications available for the lowest copay.
Preferred Brand
30-day supply:You pay up to $100 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay up to $200 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay up to $300 after deductible.
Brand-name drugs not yet available as a generic.
Nonpreferred Brand
30-day supply: You pay up to $150 after deductible.
60-day supply (mail order only): You pay up to $300 after deductible.
90-day supply: You pay up to $450 after deductible.
Brand-name drugs that have generic or preferred brand alternatives.
Preferred Specialty
You pay 40% after deductible.
Specialty drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Some specialty drugs are limited to a 15-day supply.
Generic and brand-name drugs used to treat complex health conditions. They usually need special handling and approval. You'll need to use Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy to fill these types of prescriptions.
Nonpreferred Specialty
You pay 45% after deductible.
Specialty drugs are limited to a 30-day supply. Some specialty drugs are limited to a 15-day supply.
Because there are less expensive alternatives available for the Nonpreferred Speciality drugs, you'll pay more for them at the pharmacy. You'll need to use Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy to fill these types of prescriptions.
Depending on the health care services you need, your provider might have to get approval before providing that service. Use our website to find more information and a list of services that need approval.
Estimated pricing information for various procedures by in-network providers can be obtained by calling the Customer Service number listed on the back of your BCBSM ID card and providing the procedure code. Your provider can also provide this information upon request.
Conditions covered by workers’ compensation or similar law; services or supplies not specifically listed as covered under your benefit plan; services received before your effective date or after coverage ends; services you wouldn’t have to pay for if you did not have this coverage; services or supplies that are not medically necessary; physical exams for insurance, employment, sports or school; any amounts in excess of BCBSM’s approved amount; cosmetic surgery, admissions and hospitalizations; dental care, dental implants or treatment to the teeth except as specifically stated in your benefit plan; hearing aids; infertility-related drugs; private duty nursing; telephone, fax machine or any other type of electronic consultation; educational services, except as specifically provided or arranged by BCBSM or specifically stated in your benefit plan; care or treatment furnished in a nonparticipating hospital, except as specifically stated in your benefit plan; personal comfort items; custodial care; services or supplies supplied to any person not covered under your benefit plan; services while confined in a hospital or other facility owned or operated by state or federal government, unless required by law; voluntary abortions or vasectomy reversals; RK, PRRK, or Lasik; services provided by a professional provider to a family member; services provided by any person who ordinarily resides in the covered person’s home or who is a family member; any drug, medicine or device that is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, unless required by law; vitamins, dietary products and any other nonprescription supplements except as specifically stated in your benefit plan; dental services, except for dental injury; appliances, supplies or services as a result of war or any act of war, whether declared or not; communication or travel time, lodging or transportation, except as stated in your benefit plan; foot care services, except as stated in your benefit plan; health clubs or health spas, aerobic and strength conditioning, work-hardening programs and related material and products for these programs; hair prosthesis, hair transplants or implants; experimental treatments, except as stated in your benefit plan; and alternative medicines or therapies.
This document is intended to be an easy-to-read summary. It is not a contract. Additional limitations and exclusions may apply to covered services. A complete description of benefits is contained in the applicable Blue Cross Blue Shiled of Michigan certificate and riders. In the event of a conflict between this document and the applicable certificate and riders, the certificate and riders will rule. Payment amounts are based on the BCBSM-approved amount, less any applicable deductible, copay and/or coinsurance amounts required by the plan. This coverage is provided pursuant to a contract entered into in the state of Michigan and shall be construed under the jurisdiction and according to the laws of the state of Michigan.
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