For Providers: Help Center

Find the answers you're looking for. Choose a topic to get started.

Learn how to register for provider tools, add members to your account or edit access for existing members.

Learn about Health e-Blue, a way to track and share information about patient health.

Learn how to sign up for Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, to exchange information like claims, electronic enrollment and patient eligibility.

With this application, group administrators can update their information with us and enroll new practitioners within their group.

Interested in the EFT and online vouchers program? Learn who is eligible and how to register.

Learn more about Risk Bearing Contracted Entity Medical Care Group Self-Service and how it can keep transactions secure and up-to-date.

We sometimes require providers to take additional steps before certain drugs are covered.

Learn what specialty drugs are, how to bill for them and what limitations we have on certain medications.

Learn more about our medical policies for our Medicare products to avoid a rejected claim.

Learn more about medical necessity and requesting coverage for a BCN Advantage member.


Pharmacies encouraged to join the Blue Cross Vaccine Affiliation Program to facilitate COVID-19 coverage

Learn how you can sign up and use this program to ensure your patients have COVID-19 vaccine coverage.


COVID-19 testing for pharmacies for Blue Cross PPO and BCN HMO members

Read about our testing policies and how to code and bill for tests.


COVID-19 testing for pharmacies for Medicare Plus Blue and BCN Advantage members

Read about our testing policies and how to code and bill for tests involving our Medicare Advantage members.

Find out what's involved in credentialing when you want to join our network and learn how to recredential when necessary.

National Provider Identifier, or NPI, is a provider's 10-digit unique identifier that represents them in HIPAA standard transactions. Learn more about why it's important.

If you're a practitioner or provider, you can use this page to find out how to make changes to your data and where to find the right forms you need.

If you're a practitioner or provider, follow our instructions to attest to your information.

Learn your rights as a provider to appeal decisions about Medicare claims and payments.

If you've received a Medicare Advantage overpayment, learn how it will be corrected.

Follow these requirements to submit your claim correctly.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issue star ratings for Medicare Advantage plans each year. Learn why this program matters to providers.

If you're serving our Medicare Advantage members, you must complete fraud, waste and abuse training. Learn how.

Learn which services require prior authorization for Medicare Advantage members.

Learn more about the services that are covered for providers who are non-contract or outside of Michigan.

Find information for providers who don't participate with Medicare or who are outside of Michigan.

Learn why we sometimes require medical chart reviews and how you can get reimbursed for them.

Learn more about Blue Cross Coordinated Care, a care management program designed to help qualified patients that have coverage with us.